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After lunch tea:

Orange Blossom White Tea from The Republic of Tea

Another trip to the cafe in my building brought a new tea experience. I had my eye on this Orange Blossom white tea for some time, and I finally decided to try it today insofar as I was out of options that piqued my interest.

This white tea comes from Fujian Province, China. I learned–after making it–that this should only be steeped for 30 to 60 seconds. I think my brew had steeped for at least four minutes, but the flavor did not suffer in my opinion.

I was a little concerned, prior to imbibing, that this tea would have a very strong orange flavor: one that I would not appreciate. On the contrary, however, the profile of this tea was subtle, and left merely a hint of citrus.

Late morning tea:

British Breakfast black tea by The Republic of Tea

This morning when asked how I liked my coffee, I replied, “I do not drink coffee.” I think most people are nonplussed by this response, but the person asking, a fellow tea drinker, retorted, “How about tea?” My unusual request was for black tea with milk and sugar.

The cafe in my office building sells a limited selection of teas from The Republic of Tea. I did not know what to expect upon my co-worker’s return from this coffee-tea run, but was pleasantly surprised.

The British Breakfast according to RoT’s web site is a robust blend of quality black leaves–a savory mixture of China, India, Ceylon and Kenya leaves.

I am embracing the British way of drinking tea: with milk and sugar. While I would not think of adding dairy or sweetener to an unblended green, oolong, or white tea, I find it adds to the drinking experience with black tea.

I would have preferred to have been able to distinguish between the origin of leaves used in this tea, but I think higher quality of teas will have to be consumed for a better evaluation.

I am drinking a cup of Mighty Leaf’s Chocolate Mint Truffle for the second time tonight. My first cup was ruined, in my opinion, by adding honey. This rooibos’ flavor already has a hint of honey without adding any to it.

Upon second tasting, I can clearly state the complicated, yet well-blended flavors of mint and chocolate. The cocoa nibs are not overpowering, while the mint leaves a very refreshing, yet subtle taste to the tongue. The rooibos complements these ingredients well: I think more so than the green tea I tried from Adagio that used similar ingredients.

This herbal tea makes for a nice nightcap.

If you have tried this “tea” with milk, please let me know your thoughts.